INVESTMENT Investment refers to the act of putting money or resources into something with the expectation of generating income, profit, or appreciation in value over time. It involves committing capital or assets to a particular venture, asset, or project with the goal of generating retur ns. Involves: Committing capital or assets to a particular venture, asset, or project with the goal of generating returns. Goals: - Generating income - Earning profit - Appreciation in value over time Types of Investments: - Financial investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) - Real estate investments (property, rental income, etc.) - Business investments (starting or investing in a company) - Commodities investments (gold, oil, agricultural products, etc.) - Art or collectibles investments Key Characteristics: - Involves risk - Requires research and due diligence - Needs a clear financial goal and risk tolerance - Requires a well-diversified portfolio - Needs regular monitoring and ...